Saturday, November 17, 2012

Liberty reserve to perfect money scam alert

I thank God today that I can write my first making money tips, and am very glad to share it. After desperate looking for ways I can make money online, I read so many articles, and one day, I use my money to buy a scam eBook from the so-called information marketer.

The eBook is how to make money with liberty reserve account by converting it to perfect money
Quickly, I fund my liberty reserve and decide to make some changes by converting my liberty reserve to perfect money. After going to to convert my liberty reserveaccount to perfect money, I filled all the form, but surprisingly, I saw a message like this “you are sending money to this liberty reserve account” with the account number. and it my perfect money I wanted to fund with an increment. I terminated the transaction, and decide to reduce the money from $50 to $20 for a trial. After successful transaction, they replied me that they will fund my perfect money as soon as possible. Instantly, I log on to my perfect money account, but to my own surprise, nothing inside it. I refresh the page till an endless time and up till now, nothing in my perfect money account. Please for newbie’s who are just starting making money online, I advise you to always beware of changing of money from liberty reserve account to perfect money and vice versa.
Does this now mean that I can’t change perfect money to liberty reserve? No, but choose wisely, because they also are doing business. Therefore, my advice is choosing the one that have lowest rate of conversion, and not with the one with high rate, because they tend to be scammer.

Hope this help? If yes, kindly relay your comment in the box below.
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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